Tuesday, September 18, 2007


You have to check this out. The "play" button should show up at the bottom left-hand corner.


American fine arts probably wouldn't be in so much trouble all of the time if we played like this. Also, aside from a few bars, some really tasty drum set playing on the Bernstein. From the Proms, of all places!

Pictures of the baby room will remain on the last post (The Boy Approacheth); enjoy, and countdown to Cloverfield! Also, keep an eye out for the new "podcast" feature on my work site (listed to the right). Technology is a wonderful thing!


Sean Barna said...

Holy crap.

Justin said...

Well spoken, Mr. Barna.

Dr. P,

I don't know if you caught the NYP's concert on PBS last Tuesday night; it was incredible! Great shots of Chris Lamb playing a snare drum roll as well as Carneval Overture!

Blake said...

With all of those bows flying around, someone must have lost an eye.

I'll be looking for some of this from your ensemble at PASIC...Hopefully during the Mascagni.

The Tsar said...

Is it me, or does that sound a whole step higher than it usually is?

Justin said...

Dr. P.

I checked out the podcasts - very nicely done! It sounds just as clear and professional as my "Fresh Air" podcast!