You might be expecting something about a newborn son, eh? NOT YET. Until then, however, I give you something else to be incredibly excited about--the new Star Trek TRAILER is playing before Cloverfield next Friday Jan. 18. I am giddy with excitement, and just finished watching a fake trailer for the movie--and got emotional. I cannot WAIT for this film.
I am excited about Cloverfield as well, although our ability to see the film in theaters may be somewhat impacted by the arrival of Gabriel (we've settled on this until we see what he's like!).
Attending Star Trek movies on opening night is quite an experience, especially if you own your own uniform as I do. Wearing it to work, for example, is something I enjoy on Halloween. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), we will be in Denmark next Christmas when the movie opens on 12/25/08, and I don't know how we will handle the situation. But worry not; ENP's brother KB is well-connected when it comes to movie theaters and I plan on working that angle.
Other news--I cannot wait to meet the BOY!!! More on this later, but for some reason I don't get to post much in the near future, go see CLOVERFIELD next week!
More movies to get emotional about: The Dark Knight this summer...