He's here! Gabriel David Parks came into the world on 1/23, and I apologize for my obvious lack of posting since then. Now any late nights are spent rocking, feeding, and changing diapers, rather than blogging, joining professional recording forums, and submitting Zings to the Democrat that are never published. My friend Steve suggested that perhaps I would indeed be published if I didn't put "Hey M----- F------" in the subject line of my emails.
Of course I don't do that, but I thought it was so funny that I had to include it in this entry.
Fatherhood is amazing--I could dish at length about how amazing ENP was during the entire process of pregnancy, the actual birth (there are no words to describe how amazing she was, or how much I love her), and our transition into parenthood. The only downside has been the complete overturning of my sense of natural order--something which I depend upon for what modicum of sanity I may preserve this semester with all that I have happening.
But in other news, life is tremendous--and it's a sad day when Blake updates more than I do. More on other developments soon, including the plane crash that derailed the Svoboda concerto last week, upcoming trips, and other fun stuff. Until next time!